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Spanish international soccer star Sergio Ramos celebrated his wedding anniversary to Pilar Rubio with a Cabo getaway. The couple stayed at an unspecified San Jose del Cabo private beachfront resort. Sergio and Pilar had their own beachfront villa with a private pool. Hotel staff presumably under Sergio’s guidance really went all out to make sure …

Read More about Sergio Ramos Celebrates Wedding Anniversary In Cabo

Los Cabos authorities are increasing their committment to protecting the region’s endangered turtle species, announcing that they have introduced a new incubation pen for breeding season in San Jose del Cabo.  Unfortunately, recent rises in tourist numbers have led to tourist vehicles on beaches destroying nests and breeding sites. Graciela Tiburcio Pintos, who is a …

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Allianz Travel conducted their annual report to find out the favorite travel destination for Americans, and Cancun turned out to be the city that most Americans want to vacation to. The Los Cabos region that includes Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo came in second. The famed insurance company mentioned that they were …

Read More about Los Cabos Is The Second Favorite Destination For American Travelers

Authorities in Los Cabos have urged tourists to heed the warnings of coloured beach flags in the area which indicate swimming conditions. Black flags on the beaches of Los Cabos indicate that there are choppy conditions, high waves and riptides which are unsafe for swimming. It also indicates that people should not approach the shore …

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Los Cabos authorities responsible for cleaning beaches are urging tourists to stop littering so much. With the increase in the number of visitors arriving to the main Cabo beaches the amount of trash that has ended up on these beaches has increased considerably. According to local authorities the beaches that are most affected by this …

Read More about Cabo Officials Are Asking Tourists To Stop Leaving Garbage On Beaches

Tropical storm Blas whirled past the southern Pacific coast of Mexico a few days ago, transforming into a category 1 hurricane. The storm is expected to pass just south of Los Cabos, already producing some less than pleasant conditions in the area. In preparation for the storm, Los Cabos has placed yellow and red flags …

Read More about Effects Of Hurricane Blas Felt In Los Cabos

Active COVID cases continue to climb in Los Cabos, and this has certainly sparked concern amongst local authorities. As things stand Los Cabos authorities report that there are currently 348 people that have contracted COVID within the city. Of those 348 only 10 people have been hospitalized due to the severity of their condition. Because …

Read More about Los Cabos Will Implement New Restrictions As Covid Cases Surge

Los Cabos’ Head of Public Safety, Ruseel Rodas Moreno, announced that the area would be cracking down on cell phone use while driving. Instead of warnings or hesitancy to stop violators, police are instructed to have zero tolerance, ticketing anyone on Los Cabos streets that’s breaking the law. Moreno explained, “The penalties for using cell …

Read More about Los Cabos Authorities Will Have Zero Tolerance For Cell Phone Use While Driving

Just this week, the U.S. State Department Updated the long-standing travel advisory for Mexico. The summary included, “Some areas of Mexico have increased risk of crime and kidnapping.” The report continues by breaking down areas into: Do Not Travel To, Reconsider Travel To, Exercise Increased Caution When Traveling To, and Exercise Normal Precautions When Traveling …

Read More about What The Updated Travel Advisory Means For Tourists Headed To Los Cabos

After discussions by the state and regional authorities, June has been officially declared ‘LGBTTTIQ+ Pride Month’ on a permanent basis. The new was announced at the fifteenth Legislature of the State Congress.  The director of Trans BCS (Baja California Sur), Sasha Ceceña, commented that this announcement will undoubtedly help draw awareness to the cause however …

Read More about Los Cabos Authorities Officially Name June LGBT Pride Month