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Local authorities are getting ready to receive a large number of spring breakers to Cabo in the coming days. According to airline numbers the first big wave of spring breakers is set to arrive at Los Cabos international airport this Saturday, March 5th. More than 40 thousand tourists are expected to arrive throughout the month of March. There’s a security protocol that is set to be implemented at the airport. Hopefully, the protocol includes a decent number of immigration officers to speed up the arrival of tourists.

One of the focal points of this security plan that is being implemented by local authorities is to create fluid evacuation routes. Local hospitals have already been advised to stay on high alert throughout the coming days and weeks. There’s apparently a very active channel of communication between local authorities, clinics and hospitals, particularly ones near the most important tourist spots. To make sure that emergencies can be handled in a timely manner.

Certain COVID Protocols Are Still Going To Be In Effect
Another significant mandate that is being passed on from authorities to companies in the tourism sector has to do with COVID protocols. Essentially, no one in the state wants to go back to a yellow or even orange COVID warning level. This would mean that protocols would get stricter around not only the Cabo area, but the whole state. Therefore, hotels are being asked to follow stricter COVID protocols compared to what is in place in other vacation destinations.

Some of these protocols are potentially not going to be too severe. They are going to include a mask wearing mandate for indoor activities. This is something that has pretty much stayed the same throughout the entire pandemic era. Social distancing particularly in things like elevators, and other spots are going to be encouraged amongst guests. The burden is also going to fall heavily on hotels. They are going to have to follow specific cleaning protocols in their rooms, and other facilities.

Bars Will Close At 2a.m., and Have An 80% Capacity Allowance
Although the Cabo area is currently in a green alert on the COVID emergency specter maximum occupancy at indoor facilities will remain at 80%. Other hot tourist destinations within Mexico who are also in the green level have opened up to 100% capacity for restaurants and bars. With that in mind, it’s pretty clear Cabo authorities are going to be more on top of things. At least when compared to some of their counterparts.

It has been established that bars are set to close at 2a.m. local time. That closing time is set to apply to all bars, nightclubs, and restaurants. How that ruling is going to be enforced in certain nightlife venues, particularly those that are known as after party hot spots remains to be seen. At this point though, the official word is that any spot that refuses to close its doors at 2a.m. may be subject to fines, and forced closure.

The only establishments that are going to be allowed to operate at 100% capacity are those that are located outdoors. Plus, they have to be spots where no alcohol is sold. This ruling could potentially allow an interesting dilemma to form.

Beach clubs are set to operate at 80% capacity as they are spots where alcohol is sold. However, public beaches may end up being filled to capacity. Even if people on the beach are consuming alcohol. This on the grounds that the beverages aren’t necessarily sold there. In any case, masking up while indoors is going to be a must. Different hotels may have their own set of COVID protocols that guests will be asked to follow.