The Los Cabos region has seen a massive population growth in the last 20 years. Both foreign, and national migration to the area have seen the Los Cabos region grow from an area that housed under 100 thousand people in 2000. To a region that over 300 thousand people call home. That number, by the way, does not take into account the number of tourists that visit the area year around.

Naturally the roads that were built for a region of less than 100 thousand are having a hard time holding up when more than 300 thousand folks, plus tourists transit them on a daily basis. This issue has prompted discussions between local authorities and folks in the private sector. To see what can be done to modernize some of the roads in the San Jose Del Cabo – Cabo San Lucas corridor.

The Main Roads That Are Being Looked At For Modernization Projects
Local businessmen that attended the meeting mentioned that there were a couple of main roads that they had voiced their concerns over. Overall, they felt that most of the concerns they brought up were addressed. Without necessarily revealing any major plans that were discussed. However, these local businessmen mentioned that the Los Cabos toll road that basically connects San Jose Del Cabo, and Cabo San Lucas was one of the main focal points of the meeting.

The toll road was built in 2015, but only 7 years later the minimal number of lanes that the road offers are completely insufficient. This certainly frustrates drivers of all sorts. Particularly when you take into account that you’re getting charged for a high speed road only to find yourself stuck in traffic.

Another main concern is the Carretera Transpeninsular. This road is actually part of Mexico’s Federal highway 1. The full road runs from the Tijuana border all the way down to the Cabo region. Locals are mostly concerned with the part of the road around the Los Cabos International Airport. You are potentially going to be able to run into traffic while driving down this road at any hour of the day.

Expanding The Roads Is One Of The Options That Is Being Discussed
The road that leads to the airport and the road that connects both of the main cities in the region are the two most important avenues. They naturally receive the most traffic. One of the solutions that is being explored is the idea of expanding the toll road. This could certainly alleviate many of the traffic jams. How they go about this, though, needs to be properly planned out.

Creating more lanes only in certain parts of the road could lead to bottleneck traffic issues in other key points. A poor plan could lead to the investment being a major waste. The growing number accidents were also something that was discussed. With authorities promising to set a plan in place to attack that issue.

The local businessmen who attended the private meeting also revealed that expanding local roads in the city centers was something that was discussed. At this point though, it does seem that projects for inner city street expansion are going to take a back seat to the expansion of the toll road, and the roads around the airport area. Unless local governments from either Cabo San Lucas or San Jose del Cabo want to take on the project themselves. Since the cabo toll road is a federal highway the meeting included authorities from the state and federal levels. A lot of people have to get on the same page for an expansion project to get off the ground with these words. Locally, there could be less bureaucracy, and that could lead to expansions being completed sooner.