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The Los Cabos Hotels Association filed a motion with the Marine Secretary in Los Cabos to ban jet ski rentals in Cabo waters. According to reports the Hotels were looking to literally eliminate the entire independent jet ski rental market. Locals who provide these services mentioned that they were made aware of the motion filed by the Hotel’s Association at the beginning of the week.

In this first instance the motion that was filled by the Hotels Association was denied. However, local service providers believe that the issue will potentially be pursued further by the Hotels Association. They may have to look into different legal avenues in order to protect their business.

What’s The Endgame For The Hotels’ Association?
The petition filed by the Hotels’ Association of Los Cabos came as a surprise to service providers that offer jet ski rentals in the main Los Cabos beaches. These service providers have revealed that they plan to hold internal meetings to come up with a plan to defend their livelihood if in fact the Hotel’s Association is able to get a motion passed that completely negates or even limits their ability to rent jet skis on local beaches.

According to local service providers they believe that the Hotels’ Association has something up their sleeve. The ban on jet ski rentals isn’t necessarily an idea meant to improve the water quality on Cabo beaches by limiting the amount of gas powered machines that can be used near Cabo shores. A local service provider had this to say about the motion filled by the Hotels’ Association,

“It’s not that they don’t want jet skis on the beaches. We think they are trying to work out a deal with a company that provides similar services. What they are looking for is to hold a monopoly over jet ski rentals on the beaches”

The Jet Ski Rental Businesses On Cabo Beaches Have Come Under Attack Before
Although the motion filed by the Hotels Association is technically the first instance in which there’s a direct attempt to ban all jet ski rentals on Cabo beaches, it’s not the first time that people providing these services have to defend their livelihood. Throughout the month of July local authorities cracked down on illegal jet ski rental services that were set up on the main Cabo beaches. Particularly those on El Medano beach, which is arguably the most visited Cabo beach by both locals and tourists.

At the time authorities reported that 35 beach umbrella and jet ski rental businesses were fined or outright removed from the beach. In most of these instances sellers were found to be offering their services without valid permits to be able to set up shop on Cabo beaches. Authorities also fined or removed service providers that had underage workers offering rental services on El Medano beach. Local service providers are still looking into how they can defend their place on the beach. They don’t trust the intentions of the Hotels’ Association after the failed motion was filled. The previously referenced beach seller also mentioned,
“The motion (to remove them from the beach) was filed with the Marine secretary. They were obviously shot down. Still, a couple of companies, and independent service providers will be holding meetings shortly. These people at the Hotels’ Association have something up their sleeve”

What This All Means For Tourists Who Want To Rent A Jet Ski On Cabo Beaches
As previously stated, although the Hotels Association wanted to remove jet ski rental companies from the beach, it potentially wasn’t because they didn’t want jet skis roaming Cabo waters. The Hotels’ Association may be looking to create a jet ski rental monopoly which would probably increase the prices of these services for tourists. In any case, it’s not looking like jet ski rentals on Cabo beaches will be banned any time soon.