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In the past, the mission of the Los Cabos tourism industry was to cater to as many tourists as possible and fill every available hotel room. However, that is now changing. There are a number of reasons for the change and, more importantly, how it will impact future visitors to Los Cabos. Tourism As The …

Read More about Los Cabos To Focus On Quality Of Tourists Rather Than Quantity – What This Means For Travelers

Los Cabos powered ahead as one of the top three most popular visited locations in the country during the first quarter of 2023. Half A Million Los Cabos Tourists More than half a million international visitors passed through the Los Cabos International Airport in the first quarter of 2023. The passenger count of 670,237 international …

Read More about Los Cabos Airport Among The Busiest In Mexico As Destination Soars In Popularity

The SunDream Baja music festival took place over the weekend in the San Jose del Cabo Bay at the Playa Ganzo resort. Apart from the top performers that took the stage, certain celebrities were on hand that may have actually taken the spotlight from the show’s headliners. That was the case with Tesla, SpaceX, and …

Read More about Elon Musk Spotted Partying In Los Cabos While On Vacation

The hurricane season officially started in Los Cabos on May 15, and hotels have completed their preparations to keep visitors safe during what is expected to be a quite active season. Hotel Preparations Complete Lilzi Orci, head of the Los Cabos Hotel Association, has confirmed that the hotels in Los Cabos have completed their preparations …

Read More about Los Cabos Hotels Actively Prepare To Protect Tourists During Upcoming Hurricane Season

Many of the tourists who visit Los Cabos choose the destination because it has stunning beaches, even if some of them aren’t safe for swimming.    Usually, the safety issues have to do with the strong, unpredictable currents and large waves, but now the arrival of jellyfish in mass numbers is causing safety concerns as well.    …

Read More about Lifeguard Presence Increased On Los Cabos As Authorities Warn Jellyfish Continue to Arrive 

Local authorities seem to be very concerned about the growing presence of unregulated transport operators in Los Cabos. In a recent meeting, the mayor of Los Cabos acknowledged that this was a growing problem that needed to be addressed. The issue for him was that this was a situation that needed to be policed at …

Read More about Los Cabos Tourists Warned Against Using Unregistered Transport Operators

When visitors come to Los Cabos, they are thinking about a vacation full of fun at the local beaches and at the resort pools. They are not thinking about having to get medical care. However, it is a fact a life that many tourists need to visit a doctor during their visit to the beach …

Read More about Tourist Complaints Lead To Los Cabos Hospital Price Investigations

Vacations are meant to be a way to relax, rejuvenate, and let loose a little bit, but in the midst of all the fun, there are numerous things that can ruin a vacation.  This is true for any vacation destination and a worry that many travelers have.  It can be even more of a concern …

Read More about 7 Mistakes To Avoid That Can Ruin Your Los Cabos Vacation 

With the summer travel season right around the corner, local marine officials are busy cleaning the beaches to prepare for the upcoming tourist season as well as the upcoming hurricane season. Cleaning Underway For The Summer Everywhere a tourist turns around the beaches of Los Cabos, the Municipal Coordination of the Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone …

Read More about Los Cabos Reinforces Cleaning Efforts To Give Summer Visitors Pristine Beaches

Los Cabos has welcomed its first wave of turtle births this season, a whole 2 months sooner than normally expected. The turtle birthing season here normally runs from late July to November, with August and September seeing a huge increase in numbers. A Harsh Beginning Unlike the teenage mutant ninja turtles, these two species aren’t …

Read More about Los Cabos Sea Turtle Season Officially Begins, See Them Up Close On These Fascinating Tours