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Top 5 Ways To Get Around Los Cabos To Avoid High Taxi Rates 

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Los Cabos has become so popular that connectivity with Los Cabos International Airport has grown to epic proportions.   

Just from the United States alone, direct flights are available from 29 different airports, with multiple flights arriving at the destination every day.   

But how do you get around once you get to Los Cabos?   

The truth is, it can be expensive, especially if you take a taxi, so check out these top five ways to get around Los Cabos to avoid high taxi rates, one of which won’t cost you anything.   

Driver in a Taxi with the Fare Displayed on a Meter

Car Rental 

Driving in a foreign country may seem a bit daunting, but driving in Mexico isn’t that much different than driving in the U.S.   

Most signs are in Spanish but pretty self-explanatory, and the rules are similar as well.   

Renting a car is also one of the more affordable options for getting to and from the airport and around the city too.   

You can expect to pay as little as $30 a day for a rental car.   

Roads Leading to La Paz and San Jose del Cabo in Los Cabos, Mexico

Renting A Bike  

If you’ll be traveling just within the town you’re staying in, whether it’s Cabo San Lucas or San Jose del Cabo, you can also rent a bike to get around.   

You’ll have to book transportation to get to and from your hotel, but once you arrive pretty much everything is close enough to bike to.   

Bike rentals can be as little as $20 a day. 

Mother and Son on Bikes on the Beach

Shared Shuttles  

While private shuttles are pretty pricey but well worth it, shared shuttles are another, more affordable option.   

To get from the airport to San Jose del Cabo starts at around $30 one way, and a one-way trip to Cabo San Lucas starts at around $34.   

It may seem pricey, but a taxi will cost even more.   

Shuttle Buses Waiting for Passengers

Public Bus 

A more affordable option is to take a public bus around, and they’re not as inconvenient as you might think.   

They’re also available to take to and from the airport as well.   

They only cost a few dollars and they run from as early as 4:30 in the morning until 10:00 at night.   

Most flight arrivals fall within these hours, and as far as getting around, it gives you plenty of time to get to where you’re going and back to your hotel before they stop running.   

Public Transportation Bus in Los Cabos, Mexico


While you can’t walk from the airport to your hotel, you certainly can once you arrive at your hotel.   

Both Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo are very walkable, so you can find pretty much everything you need within walking distance if you plan to stick to the area in which your hotel is located.   

If you want to travel between the two destinations, you can always book transportation for those trips and then walk the rest of the time.  

Tourists Walking Around Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

What It Costs To Take A Taxi In Los Cabos 

Taxis are more expensive than any other option other than private transportation and there’s no telling what kind of vehicle you’ll end up in.   

A one-way trip between Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo can cost as much as $70.   

It’ll cost about the same to get from the airport to San Jose del Cabo, and even more than that to get from the airport to Cabo San Lucas. 

Taxis In a Bus Station Parking Lot

The Benefits Of Booking Transportation In Advance 

Whatever type of transportation you plan to use when visiting Los Cabos, either for getting to and from the airport or just to get around during your vacation, there are several benefits of booking in advance.   

Not having to wonder when your transportation will arrive is reason enough alone, but you’ll also know ahead of time exactly what you’re paying.   

Additionally, you’ll likely save a significant amount of money by booking in advance too, and everybody can appreciate saving money while on vacation.

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