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New Report Shows Los Cabos Among The Safest Tourist Destinations In Mexico 

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Every now and then, the U.S. State Department issues a warning about traveling to certain parts of Mexico due to insecurity in those areas.

They tell American citizens to avoid some areas altogether, while in others, like the state of Baja California Sur, where Los Cabos is located, they recommend exercising increased caution while visiting.   

The last time that warning was issued was in August of 2023, and since then, a new report shows that Los Cabos is among the safest tourist destinations in Mexico

Read on to learn the details of that report and to get an idea of just how safe of a destination Los Cabos really is.  

Police Vehicle Parked in Front of a Hotel in Los Cabos

The National Urban Public Security Survey 

The National Institute of Statistics and Geography released the results from the National Urban Public Security Survey on July 24th.   

That survey revealed that perceptions of insecurity in Los Cabos went from 24.8 percent in the first three months of 2024 to just 16.7 percent in the following three months.   

That adds up to an 8.1 percent decrease in perceptions of insecurity between the first and second quarters of 2024.   

Tourists Walking Around the Marina Area in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Where People Feel The Most Insecure In Los Cabos  

Those who do feel a sense of insecurity in Los Cabos mostly feel that way when in certain places.   

The places where people feel the most insecure in the destination are: 

  • ATMs  
  • Public Transportation  
  • Roads 
  • Banks 

This is in order from the highest perceptions of insecurity to the lowest.   

Row Of ATM Machines Inside A Bank In Mexico

Why The U.S. State Department Suggests Exercising Caution When Visiting Baja California Sur 

According to the U.S. State Department website, exercising increased caution in Baja California Sur is suggested due to crime in the state.   

The department warns that “criminal activity and violence may occur throughout the state.”   

Despite that warning, there are no restrictions on travel to the state.   

Municipal Police Patrolling the Streets

Should Tourists Feel Safe In Los Cabos 

No matter which country you visit, there is going to be crime in some areas.   

Even in America, there are places plagued with excessive crime and violence.   

In Los Cabos, while crime does exist, it’s more often than not between criminals operating in the area.   

Very rarely does it have anything to with or affect tourists visiting the destination, so you should absolutely feel safe while visiting.   

Military Patrolling a Beach in Mexico

Why Is Los Cabos Safe For Tourists? 

Because Los Cabos is a tourist destination, there is a major focus on security in order to keep tourists safe.   

Tourist areas are patrolled regularly by the military and police.   

Particularly during the busiest tourism seasons, security presence is enhanced to protect tourists.   

Police Officer Patrolling a Beach in Los Cabos

Safest Areas In Los Cabos 

When you’re visiting a tourist destination like Los Cabos, it’s always suggested that you stay within the tourist areas.   

Both Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo have areas that are mostly frequented by tourists, so you should stick to these areas and avoid unknown neighborhoods.   

Tourist areas in the destination include: 

  • Both Marina Areas 
  • Downtown Cabo San Lucas 
  • San Jose del Cabo Historic District  
  • The Tourist Corridor  
  • The Hotel Areas in Both Cities  
Tourists Walking Around the Marina in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Safety Suggestions For Travelers Visiting Los Cabos 

Whether you visit Los Cabos or somewhere else in the world, there are some safety guidelines that you should always follow.   

These are suggestions to ensure your safety.   

They include: 

  • Avoiding being too flashy or portraying wealth.   
  • Keeping your passport in a safe place. 
  • Not wandering into areas you don’t know. 
  • Not walking around alone at night. 
  • Refraining from becoming intoxicated.   
  • Not accepting drinks from someone you don’t know. 

If you follow these guidelines, you’ll greatly decrease your chances of becoming a victim of a crime no matter where you visit.

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