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Los Cabos Earthquake Triggers 200+ Aftershocks, Here’s How To Stay Safe 

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Being that it’s hurricane season in Los Cabos, tropical disturbances have been the biggest concern for tourists visiting the destination over the last several months.   

While everyone has been keeping an eye out for tropical storms, though, Los Cabos was hit with an earthquake that triggered over 200 aftershocks.   

Read on to learn more about this recent earthquake and how to stay safe if one occurs while you’re visiting. 

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Resort on the Beach

A Mild Earthquake With A Lot Of Aftershocks 

The most recent earthquake to hit Los Cabos took place on Tuesday, September 3rd.   

It only registered a 4.5 on the Richter scale, which is generally thought of as a pretty minor earthquake, but as mentioned above, it was followed by more than 200 aftershocks.   

Those aftershocks ranged from between 1.5 on the Richter scale to as much as 3.8.   

Locals and visitors are being warned to be on alert for additional aftershocks.   

A Street in San Jose del Cabo

Remain Calm 

In any dangerous situation, including an earthquake, the rule of thumb is to stay calm.   

It’s easier to keep your mind clear and determine your course of action when you do.   

Take time to assess the situation and avoid panicking and making rash decisions.   

You’ll almost always be safer if you follow this general rule, which applies to any emergency situation.   

Palmilla Beach Los Cabos

Stay Indoors 

If an earthquake occurs, it’s also important to stay indoors during and immediately after you initially feel the quake for a couple of reasons.   

One, you don’t know if there is going to be a follow-up quake or aftershocks.   

Second, you won’t know what kind of damage has been done until officials can make their rounds to assess the damage.   

Santa Maria Beach in Los Cabos, Mexico

Take Shelter 

You should also take shelter wherever you are, whether indoors or out.   

The main thing is to ensure that nothing will be able to fall or move and injure you.   

If you’re able to take cover under a table, or in an open space while indoors this is the safest thing to do.   

If you’re outdoors, stay away from tall buildings and bridges that could fall and glass that can break.   

Warning sign for earthquake zone on beach saying go to higher ground

Stay Tuned For Official Notices 

There is a big problem with misinformation and that can be dangerous when it comes to something like an earthquake.   

Social media might be great for videos and updates from friends and family, but important safety information should come from official sources.   

You can watch the news, listen to news radio, or follow official government sites and feeds to find out necessary information before, during, and after an earthquake when you’re visiting Los Cabos.   

You can also check with your hotel staff as well.   

Beautiful View of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Heed Warnings From Your Hotel And Officials 

Any warnings or suggestions given by officials or head hotel staff should be heeded.   

They have plans in place and they have trained to know how to handle emergency situations that may result from an earthquake.   

Additionally, they have likely experienced several earthquakes and know what to do when one occurs.   

Police Vehicle Parked in Front of a Hotel in Los Cabos

How Often Do Earthquakes Happen In Los Cabos? 

Earthquakes happen pretty frequently in Los Cabos because the region is situated between two separate fault lines.   

Most of them are mild to moderate and don’t cause any damage or injuries.   

That being said, it doesn’t hurt to prepare just in case by getting travel insurance in case you need to see a doctor or need an early return flight home, both of which may be covered in certain plans.   

More important than anything, though, is listening to Los Cabos officials who will help you stay safe should an earthquake occur.

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LOUIS Salatich

Thursday 5th of September 2024

To stay in your room during a earthquake is very bad advice. Mexican construction does not use steel beams to reinforce buildings. All buildings are build with rebar enforcement which does not alow a building to sway with ground movement. Rebar construction causes concrete to crack and crumble with ground movement. Get as far away as possible from any multi story building during a earthquake in Mexico.