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Tourists Being Warned Of Dangerous Marine Life On These 2 Los Cabos Beaches Right Now 

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If you’re planning an upcoming trip to Los Cabos, there’s a very good chance that a beach visit is on your must-do list while vacationing in the destination, and for good reason.   

Los Cabos is known for its spectacular beaches.   

Even though some of them are not safe for swimming, those that aren’t are perfect for sunbathing and walks on the beach.   

If you are hoping for a beach day on your visit, though, you should know that tourists are being warned of dangerous marine life on two popular beaches right now, El Medano Beach and El Corsario Beach.   

Let’s take a look at what that dangerous marine life is, and how to know if it’s present.   

Man O' War in the Sand on a Beach

The Portuguese Man O’ War 

The Portuguese Man o’ War is not a jellyfish but part of the same group of animals.   

Rather than being just one single animal, though, they are actually several smaller organisms grouped together that are unable to survive on their own.   

They are typically found in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, but there is a similar “Man o’ War” found in the Pacific Ocean as well that is basically the same species.   

Portuguese Man of War Lying on the Beach

Man O’ War Vs. Jellyfish 

Often mistaken for a jellyfish, and similar in some ways, the Man o’ War is also different in several ways as well.   

Their appearance is quite similar, but the tentacles of the Man o’ War can grow much longer, as much as 100 feet long.   

Unlike the jellyfish, the Man o’ War does not have the capacity to propel itself through the water but rather moves with the ocean currents and wind.   

Jellyfish Swimming Near the Shore in Los Cabos

Man O’ War Stings 

The tentacles of the Man o’ War will sting you if you come in contact with them, even if it’s not alive.   

This is why they can still be dangerous even if you see them dead on the beach.   

It’s important to be careful when they’re present, not only in the water but when walking on the beach as well.   

Jellyfish on a Sandy Beach

How Dangerous Are Man O’ War Stings? 

Typically, Man o’ War stings just cause pain at the sting site, but it can be pretty painful.   

In rare cases, people can have allergic reactions to the venom.   

This can cause more serious symptoms and even be fatal, but again, this is very rare.   

Long Tentacle on a Man O' War

What Not To Do If You’re Stung By A Man O’ War 

There are several things that you shouldn’t do if you’re stung by a Man o’ War.   

What you should not do is rub the area that has been stung, because it can enhance the effects of the sting.   

You should also refrain from washing the sting area with bottled or tap water because it can make the symptoms worse.   

Woman Sitting Near the Water on a Beach

What You Should Do If You’re Stung By A Man O’ War 

There are also a few things that you should do if you’re stung by a Man o’ War.   

You should immediately get out of the water to avoid being stung again.   

You should also lightly rinse the affected area with seawater.   

You can also alert a lifeguard and they can give you something to minimize the effects.   

Lifeguard Walking Back To His Station In Los Cabos

How To Know If Dangerous Marine Life Is Present On Los Cabos Beaches 

Just like Los Cabos uses a beach flag warning system to alert beachgoers of unsafe water conditions, a flag is used to warn of dangerous marine life as well.   

If you see a white flag posted anywhere on the beach, it indicates that dangerous marine life, like the Man o’ War, has recently been spotted and could be present.   

It’s important to not ignore this flag to ensure that you have a safe beach day while visiting Los Cabos.

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